Capturing emotion onto canvas one brushstroke at a time

I imagine the reason my work spoke to you is because you’re in love with all the moody elements of nature and you find comfort in the sound of rain, in the soft glow of a candle flame, the reflection of trees in the calm waters and the dance of mist amidst the mountains.

All this and more is what inspires me to capture these moments in time. Each artwork is the result of a deeply personal process. And I feel so honored to share my world of creativity with you. I wish for my artworks to bring as much peace to you as much as I felt while creating them.

About Me

Hi, I’m Shweta Sharma, the artist behind The Idyllic Canvas. I was born and brought up in a very traditional north Indian family. Art remained absent from my upbringing, as I devoted my schooling and college years to the study of finance, eventually spending 13 years working in the financial sector. The turning point came during my maternity leave with my second daughter, four years ago when I picked up a paintbrush for the first time.

Painting became my sanctuary, allowing me to escape to the serene spots in nature that brought me peace when the world seemed overwhelming. From that moment, there was no turning back. Over the last four years, I have consistently immersed myself in painting, experimenting with various styles and mediums. I realized that this couldn't be just a fleeting part of my life; it had to be more significant due to its profound impact on me.

Fortune presented itself at a pivotal moment in our lives as my family navigated a significant transition. Amidst our relocation from India to the enchanting city of Amsterdam, with my husband and our two daughters, ages 5 and 2, I seized the opportunity to wholeheartedly pursue my passion for art on a full-time basis. It just felt right, and each day, I dedicated myself to cultivating this artistic journey. Amsterdam, with its vibrant atmosphere, has become the nurturing soil where I am cultivating my art business and transforming my dreams into reality

Painting landscapes that exude calmness are a way to quiet my racing mind and that calmness is exactly what I want to offer to the ones who feel connected to my work.

The Studio

This place right by the dining table in our cozy living room in Amsterdam is what I call my studio. This is where I paint while I listen to the chitter-chatter of my little girls , while they sit next to me on the table and create their own artworks, while my husband feeds them at the same time engaging me in some funny conversations. 

Do I want a big studio, oh yes!!! As my dreams grow bigger, I dream of a bigger place with wall to wall French windows and a highly organized storage space, but I will most definitely take these three humans along, so that I can paint in an environment that I've known since the day I picked up that brush.

Let nature inspire you with beautiful lessons learnt from each element

-Shweta Sharma